Mrs Pauline Abraham
Mr Philip Bevan In loving memory of my parents Christine & Norman Bevan
Mr Simon Birkett • Mr Peter Bishop • Ms Maureen Boylan • Mr Richard Brown
Mr George Bunting In happy recollection of a lifetime of stirring cathedral music experience
Mr John Cotterell In loving memory of Elaine Cotterell who found great joy in the beauty of Wells Cathedral
Mr Charles Crawfurd In memory of Piers Moth, our son-in-law and a gifted musician and a devoted father and husband
Mrs Oonagh Crump In memory of all music enjoyed over the years at Wells Cathedral
Mrs Barbara Dickinson
Mr Robin Duijs In memory of Olivia Duys 31/08/1967
Miss Jennifer Emptage In memory of my mother and many happy times spent staying in Wells with her and my brother
Dr William Ford-Young In loving memory of my mother Ruth Ford-Young, a friend of Wells Cathedral, who loved the organ
Mr Stephen Haigh In memory of my Father John Haigh who was at peace when at Wells Cathedral
Dr Philip Hickman • Mr David Jenkins • Mr David John
Mrs Sheila Joss Their bodies are buried in peace but their name liveth forever more
Mrs Gill Kelly • Mrs Hilary Kitcher • Mr Michael Knight
Mrs Marilyn Lewis In memory of my husband, Neston Lewis, and of my parents, John and Hilda Coombs
Mrs Diana McNulty • Mr Clive Mitchell • Mrs Lucy Mitchell • Mr John Parsons
Ms Marion Peutherer Happy memories of music-making at Wells Cathedral School and playing the organ in the Cathedral
Revd Steven Reed A visit to Wells Cathedral is always a joy, especially when the organ is playing
Mr Colin Rees In Celebration of the Part Played by these Pipes in their Wedding Saturday 18th September 1965
Mr David Rivière To all Wells Cathedral choristers past, present, and future
Mr Brian Roberts-Wray
Mrs Bernadette Shenton For David, a lifelong friend of Wells Cathedral
Mr Robert Smeath
Mrs Anne Smith For Tom Smith of Kent, celebrating his double scholarship
Mr Roger Stacey
Mr Mark Stringer As a token of the joy and inspiration which music in cathedrals and churches has given me including Wells Cathedral
Miss Jane Swinyard In memory of Edward and Frances Swinyard who encouraged me to share their love of classical music
Mr Alan Thomas
Dr Ralph Townsend Praise him with the sound of the trumpet: praise him with the psaltery and harp
Professor John Vann Jones • Dr Trudy Watt • Mrs Diana Wheeler
Revd David Wilcox In Thanksgiving for the organists at Wells Cathedral, past and present
Mrs Jane Williams In memory of my Mum and Dad, Nancy and Gordon Tildsley, who loved listening to organ music
Mr Stephen Wood To commemorate my birth in Wells in 1952 and my education at The Blue School 1963-68
Mr Richard Wynn-Jones
Mrs Karen Yeomans Phil Yeomans – To Celebrate Your 60th Birthday. A Special Gift for a Special Man
Regular Giving
- Ms Maureen Boylan
- Mr James Brereton
- Mr Michael Cansdale
- Revd Rhys Day
- Emeritus Professor Christopher Hodges
- Mr MichaelHopkins
- Mr Gavin Horgan
- Mr Alex Kolombos
- Mrs Frances Meeres-Young
- Mr James Moretti
- Mr David Morgan-Hewitt
- Mr Robert Smeath
- Mr Mark Stringer
- Mr Stephen Wood
- Dr John Ashton
- Mrs Elizabeth Bale
- Mr Simon Birkett
- Mr George Bunting
- Mr JohnCotterell
- Mr Charles Crawfurd
- Revd Canon Adrian Daffern
- Mr Geoffrey Egan
- Mr Mark Hampton
- Mr Charles Hill
- Mrs Hilary Kitcher
- Mrs Marilyn Lewis
- Mrs Susan Mitchell
- Mr Arnold Wills
- Mr Peter Wright
- Mrs Pauline Abraham
- Mr Roger Adams
- Mr Philip Bevan
- Ms Jenny Christoforou
- Dr Chris Dalton
- Mrs Barbara Dickinson
- Dr John Gould
- Mrs Dinah Harrison
- Dr Nicholas Hooper
- Mr David Jenkins
- Mr Chris Jenkins
- Mrs Sheila Joss
- Mrs Rose Longden-Phillips
- Ms Alison Longstaff
- Mr Brian Paul
- Mr Ian Reynolds
- Mr Brian Roberts-Wray
- Mrs Jane Sedgman
- Mr David Sedgman
- Mr Roger Trumper
- Mrs Diana Wheeler
- Revd David Wilcox
- Rt Revd Trevor Willmott
- Mr Michael Knight
- Revd Steven Reed
Adopt A Pipe
Two Foot Pipe
- Mr Chi Sau Au Yeung
- Mr Ken Brown
- Master Michael Dey – Adoption of a C note pipe.
- Mr Vishal Ganguli
- Revd Doris Goddard – Positive Flautina (x2) in memory of Elsie Connelly
- Mr David Grover
- Ms Claire Morris
- Ms Claire Newman – Positive Flautina (x2) in memory of Martin C.F.Harris, Granddad, the best organist and pianist the world has ever known
- Ms Marion Peutherer ARCO – Happy memories of music in Wells
- Ms Marion Robinson on behalf of Mr Nicholas Robinson, for someone who loves organ music
- Mr John Slater – Great Fifteenth. Presented to Holly Slater
- Mr John Slater- Great Fifteenth. Presented to Tom Slater
- Miss Jane Swinyard – ‘Edward and Frances Swinyard’
- Dr Pamela West – In memory of parents
Four Foot Pipe
- Ms Maureen Boylan
- Mr Alan Bryan
- Mr Michael Cooke – Choir Stopped Flute. To Joy Lavinia Cooke
- Miss Jennifer Emptage – In memory of my mother and many memorable visits to Wells and the surrounding area with her and my brother.
- Mrs Lucy Mitchell – Choir Stopped Flute. Presented to Fiona and Christopher Hodges.
- Mrs Jane Williams – Choir Stopped Flute. In loving memory of Nancy & Gordon Tildsley
Eight Foot Pipe
- Mr Peter Bishop
- Mr Christopher Jacques
- Mrs Jean Parkinson – Choir Open Diapason. Michael and Jean Parkinson
- Mr Colin Rees – Trumpet, in gratitude for this pipe’s part in our wedding 18 September 1965.
Sixteen Foot Pipe
- Mr Clive Edney – Pedal Sub Bass. In loving memory of my parents, Bill and Betty Edney
- Mrs Ros Edney – Double Geigen. In loving memory of my parents, Alick and Yvonne Flett
- Mr Neil Honebon
Rank of Thirty-two Foot Pipes
- Mr John Parsons & Mr Peter Parsons
Unspecified Pipe
- Mrs Anne Smith
- Miss Jane Swinyard