Introduction from our Royal Patron

The music in churches and cathedrals is synonymous with organs. It is their unique sound and volume, either on their own or as an accompaniment, which makes them such special musical instruments; so much so that it is impossible to imagine a church service without an organ. As with any musical instrument organs need to be looked after and cared for otherwise they simply start to sound a bit odd, and once every generation they tend to need a rather major overhaul.
After nearly fifty years the time has come to give the splendid organ in Wells Cathedral some major care and attention. This is no simple task given its size, location and complexity; especially if you consider that every one of its 5,000 pipes needs to be removed, cleaned, tuned and replaced. You may think it sounds terrific now, but that’s only because you’ve got used to its idiosyncrasies; believe me, by the time the professionals have finished you will be amazed by the improvement in tone, range and volume.
The organ is only part of the tradition of music in Wells Cathedral, for we must not forget the boys, girls and men of the Cathedral Choirs. Together, they are not just integral to the music-making, but also the very life of the Cathedral and its service to the community. Restoring our grand organ is vital if we are to secure and sustain all of our Cathedral’s superb music-making for future generations.
With this in mind, I sincerely hope that you will seriously consider supporting the Wells Cathedral Grand Organ Appeal. I am confident that, with your help and support, we will be able to fill this wonderful building once again with stunning and beautiful music not only on St Andrew’s Day 2025 when the Cathedral celebrates its 850th anniversary, but also to praise God and to lift our spirits for many more years to come.
HRH The Duke of Edinburgh, KG GCVO
A message from the Dean and President of the Friends

Music has been at the heart of the life of Wells Cathedral for over 1100 years. This tradition is central to today’s worship, community events, great civic services and the many concerts performed annually. While our exceptional Cathedral Choir is at the forefront of our musical reputation, the organ is a vital part of our musical and worshipping life here.
The organ not only accompanies the Choir and congregation at our daily services, but it is also a magnificent instrument in its own right. For some time, the Cathedral’s organists have been telling us that the condition of our organ is rapidly declining and needs urgent attention. It is only the deft skills of those playing the instrument which hide many of these faults and flaws from those of us who are listening below.
The time has now come for the Cathedral organ to be refurbished for the next generation, and I ask you for your help in raising the funds to enable this vital work. Please give as generously as you can, and we thank you very warmly for your support.
The Very Revd Toby Wright
About the Appeal
A message from the Chairman of The Friends

The Friends of Wells Cathedral have a long and happy relationship with the magnificent Willis/Harrison organ, which sits so proudly at the centre of our church. During the last major renovation in the 1970s we made a significant contribution to renovation costs, paying for the exquisite gilded organ case which we all admire today. But whilst the exterior of the organ still looks magnificent, the hard-working instrument it houses is in a rapidly deteriorating state. So, fifty years on the organ needs our help once again.
We are excited to launch this appeal to raise the £2 million needed to restore and improve the organ. New ranges of pipes will be added and existing pipes will be given a new lease of life. The results will be the best organ our Cathedral as ever had – fit for the 21st Century – our Grand Organ. There will be concerts, celebrations, fundraisers and many different ways you can support the appeal. We thank you for any help you are able to give us.
Michael Hopkins
Chairman of The Friends of Wells Cathedral