Who are the friends of Wells Cathedral?
The Friends of Wells Cathedral was founded in 1933 and there are now Friends across the globe. The Friends support the Chapter of Wells in the of maintenance of the fabric, life and work of the Cathedral. The Friends have contributed to projects big and small, relating to the building and to departments within the Cathedral Foundation.
The Friends committed themselves to funding the £1.8m for the Friends Building in the Cathedral Development Project.

What can we offer you as a member?
An opportunity to become involved in the life of the Cathedral. Invitations to special events, outings and social gatherings (sometimes at special prices). Newsletters and an Annual Journal which includes original articles on the Cathedral and its life.
Become a MemberMembership
Membership Application
Minimum Subscriptions
£25 per annum – single
£35 per annum – joint
You will be asked to specify a subscription amount as part of the online form.
Lifetime Memberships
Are available upon request.
Friends of Wells Cathedral is a registered charity – Registered Charity Number 208797
Existing Friends Direct Debit
Existing friends looking to set up an ongoing Direct Debit can do so using online link below or by downloading the the form and returning it by email (infor@wellsfriends.org) or post to the Friends Office.