
Our latest projects

Grand Organ Appeal

The Friends are currently committed to raising £2m for the refurbishment and renovation of the Cathedral’s Grand Organ.

Other projects large and small that Friends have supported over the last 86 years are listed below as follows:

Grand Organ Appeal

Notable projects

Replacement of the Cathedral’s central heating boilers.
Works to facilitate High Parts Tours
Restoration of the Chapter House 
and redecoration of the stairs
The refurbishment of the organ 
and provision of a new case
The recasting of some of the bells
Repair and re-glazing of the cloisters
Financing the figure of the Risen Christ and other West Front sculptures
Major funding towards the provision of lighting in the Nave
The cleaning of the stonework on the Chain Gate
Financial support for the choristers, in particular the girls’ choir
Matched funding for upgrade of amplification system
Preliminary works in respect of the north elevation of the North Transept, including the external Clock face
Funding of £1.83M for the Friends Building, part of the Cathedral Development Project
Works in respect of improved access to the Camery Garden form the East Cloister, replacement of West Porch Doors Jesse Window Conservation (including initial funding)